Home Blog Debunking IT Myths 3: Cybersecurity Is The Only Way To Protect Cloud Data

Debunking IT Myths 3: Cybersecurity Is The Only Way To Protect Cloud Data

 2021/08/14   Computing & Hyper-converged Infrastructure Solutions   1111 visit(s)  2 min to read

Times of confusion offer cybercriminals the perfect opportunity for data breaches, phishing, spoofing, ransomware and all other forms of social engineering. When people become desperate for information, it’s easier to misinform them. That’s exactly where cybersecurity comes in handy to help protect users, devices and organizations no matter their size or industry.
Cybersecurity is essential as it protects all forms of data and information, like sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), intellectual property, personal information, and government and industrial information systems.

But the question is: is cybersecurity ALONE enough to protect cloud data, networks and end users?

Of course not! And today’s blog exposes the falseness of the idea that relying solely on cybersecurity can keep businesses, individuals and data protected. And we give you two main reasons for this:

1- Cybersecurity and Physical Security Are Inseparable for optimal data  protection!

Employing cybersecurity practices isn’t the only way to protect data. In today’s landscape, cybersecurity and physical security need to be addressed together. While strong passwords, encryption, two-factor authentication, and vulnerability testing are essential practices, physical access control cannot be overlooked.
Human error is a leading cause of data breaches, so it’s vital to limit and monitor who has access to physical spaces such as server rooms or anywhere computers are left unattended. By combining cybersecurity with physical security practices, security convergence addresses the possible ways data can be compromised.

Cybersecurity Awareness Is Key To Preventing Breaches & Keeping Businesses Safe

Your employees are your first line of defense against cyber-threats; therefore, they need to be empowered and able to deal with social engineering tactics (e.g., phishing). It’s hard to blame employees (or anyone) for falling for phishing emails, for example. Many people aren’t naturally skeptical of emails, and when they see an email that appears to come from the corporate office or a reputable business, their first instinct is likely to click on it or do as it says.
Phishing awareness is more than being aware of what a phishing email may look like. Employees need to understand the different types of phishing, how attacks can be engineered, and the consequences of clicking on a malicious link, responding to an email with the requested information or opening a file.
Phishing training for employees is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your company´s defenses against malware, ransomware, data loss, and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.
Moreover, when your users report threats, your company can receive reciprocal information about phishing attacks found elsewhere. Such information can be delivered in Machine-Readable Threat Intelligence (MRTI) format, so it can be fed directly into existing security mechanisms (i.e. malicious URL detection systems), which update your technically driven online defenses against malware, data loss, and ransomware attacks.
If you're a Saudi business looking to strengthen the security posture of your business while keeping your employees well-equipped with all necessary knowledge to detect and report on potential cyber attacks, feel free to get in touch with Ctelecoms. We can help you improve all aspects of your cybersecurity strategy.
Ctelecoms Team

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