Managed IT Services is outsourcing the coordination of all matters related to IT services. In our modern world, Information Technology is essential and critical to every business as it makes the core to the majority of operations and processes.
Duo Multifactor Authenticaiton adds another layer of defense around the identity perimeter by verifying a user and establishing trust, making breaches from stolen credentials a thing of the past.
Formerly AMP for Endpoints, Cisco Secure Endpoint now comes with three efficient packages: Essentials, Advantage and Premier. Today’s blog sheds light on each of them so you can probably gain insight...
With insider threats on the rise, Saudi businesses and organizations need to have proactive security measures in place besides helping promote cybersecurity awareness among their employees.
عندما يتعلق الأمر بالأمن السيبراني، تميل معظم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة للإعتقاد بأنه لن يتم استهدافها، ولكن في ظل جائحة كورونا أصبح الجميع مستهدفون أكثر من أي وقت مضى، خاصة في ظل تزايد الحاجة للعمل عن بعد واستخدام شبكات غير محمية، ناهيك عن ازدياد حدة الهجمات الإلكترونية ومحاولات الإختراق عن طريق التصيّد والإنتحال والخداع الإلكتروني وغيرها.
While firewalls and email protection tools are quite useful as a strong line of defense against a wide range of malicious threats and cyber-attacks, only proper user awareness counts when it comes to the indirect, virus-free email scams that trick users into unknowingly giving up information to an outsider..