Have you ever thought of hiring a developer for a mobile application that can help you get certain jobs done faster? Think no more! Make your own mobile application using Microsoft PowerApps.
Your mobile devices – including smartphones, laptops and tablets – are always within reach everywhere you go, whether for work, travel or entertainment.
Several years ago, a bring your own device policy (BYOD) may have seemed impractical to business leaders who balk at implementing such a seemingly complex setup. But times have changed.
As with any software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, there are inherent risks to using Office 365. But with the right SaaS backup solution in place, you can ensure your cloud data is always protected.
Today’s blog will give you an important (but often overlooked) Outlook tip that will help you recall or get a second chance to make changes to an email that’s just been sent before it gets opened by the recipient.
Tired of managing a heap of non-work related emails in your busy day? Do you get annoyed when someone hits ‘Reply all’ to a group email and says, “Thanks”, or maybe just goes off on a social discussion that does not need to involve you?