Just a quick glance at the latest changes in Office 365 that started rolling out in December and will continue through early 2017.
In this new world – thanks to GigJam – work has become communal, with each person free to summon, divvy up and share just what they want, for only as long as they need, using any device!
Discover how Microsot Teams will fulfill the diverse and collaborative needs of your business, giving you a more open, digital environment that makes your work visible, integrated and accessible across the whole team!
Explore what the cloud is and how it contributes to making every business more dynamic, more secure, more effective, and consequently, more successful!
تقدّم لك سلسلة سيتيليكومز التعليميّة "أدوات تزيد إنتاجيّتك في العمل" فيديو بسيط ومميّز حول أداةBoomerang وهي أداة سهلة ومجّانيّة تساعدك على تذكّر كل مايتعلّق بإرسال أو استقبال الرسائل الالكترونية في وقتها المحدّد.
Security is paramount for business success. And today we’ll explore how office 365 provides a broader range of security features than its on-premises cousin – Data Center!