Learn why small businesses are at risk, from budget constraints to outdated systems. Discover practical defensive strategies, including education, regular backups, patch management, and multi-factor authentication.
Kerberoasting is a hacking technique that exploits the Kerberos authentication protocol to access network resources.
Learn how Cisco can help you achieve zero trust security in Saudi Arabia, a new way of securing access that reduces risk and increases resilience. Contact Ctelecoms, a Cisco partner in Saudi Arabia, to get started.
As IT infrastructure has become more complex, security has become a top priority. Microsoft’s “Do More with Less” approach goes beyond productivity; it prioritizes safeguarding your workforce and valuable assets
Microsoft 365 is tailored to provide customers with enhanced offerings at a lower cost compared to individual specialized tools.
Experts warn of heightened cybersecurity risks, urging organizations to fortify their defenses against the imminent danger.