Smishing: funny word for a serious threat. Smishing is the short form of SMS Phishing which is on the rise. Here you will know all about Smishing and how to prevent it.
Having a data center with separate components is no longer an efficient methodology. Instead, Saudi businesses need to invest in a solid IT solution that will cluster all their IT infrastructure components. Something more cost-efficient. Something that will increase the overall workplace productivity.
Spyware, it may seems like one of James Bond's appliances but in fact, it is a very dangerous malware installed in your device without your authorization. Today's blog will explain all about spyware and how to stop it.
Telephony systems have evolved from classic phones to VoIP. #VoIP is highly cost effective being a new trend of modern telephony systems. Today's blog will highlight the main benefits of having a VoIP solution
Falling victim for a security breach is a nightmare for every business. Today’s blog lists 4 essential tools to help you protect your organization.
Ransomware strikes someone every 10 seconds around the globe, and when it does, it turns their most important files and data into encrypted gibberish. Unfortunately, the only option left for them is: paying the ransom that cyber criminals demand in order to regain access to their valuable data.