Home Blog Shamoon is back – Saudi Arabia Under Attack!

Shamoon is back – Saudi Arabia Under Attack!

 2017/01/29   IT & Cyber-Security Solutions   8950 visit(s)




What is Shamoon?

Shamoon (W32.Disttrack), the aggressive disk-wiping malware has made itself known for being the most destructive cyber-attack that private businesses have ever witnessed in Saudi Arabia. The highly devastating payload of Shamoon is obviously putting every single Saudi corporation today at a serious risk.
Shamoon initially emerged in attacks against the Saudi energy sector in 2012, infecting the entire network infrastructure at (Saudi Aramco) and causing a massive shock as more than 30.000 computers were crippled and had to be replaced.

A surprise comeback in 2017!

The re-emergence of such high-profile attacks in Saudi Arabia is not likely to let Saudi business owners sleep in peace as several Saudi organizations have been targeted recently in a fresh wave of cyber-attacks where Shamoon used an image of the body of 3-year-old drowned Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi to wipe and replace their master boot records.
Why Shamoon has suddenly returned again after all these years is unknown. However, with its highly destructive capabilities, it is clear that the attackers are trying to cause irreparable damage to their victims.

How Shamoon works

Shamoon includes a routine called a "wiper," coded to self-execute, which replaces crucial system files with an image of a burning U.S. flag or the body of the aforementioned Syrian boy. It then disrupts the victimized computers by overwriting the master book record, making it impossible for them to start up again.
The attacks are normally done after a significant amount of preparatory work for the operation. The malware uses stolen passwords from the targeted organizations and then allows the threat to spread across the targeted organization’s network. It is still unknown how the attackers obtain the stolen credentials.

When Damage is Done!

Quantifying financial losses from Shamoon is more like a "guesstimating" process. Sometimes you'll see tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars lost in such attacks; however, the real costs are: lost business opportunities! You can only imagine where the loss is taking you for every single hour that your business is down.

The continually rising number of cyber-attacks against companies in Saudi Arabia is causing huge financial damages. Saudi organizations must pay close attention to their security today because it can be time-consuming and extremely expensive for any organization to get back on its feet when its systems are infected.

The Optimal Protection!

Ctelecoms is recognized as one of the top security solutions providers in Saudi Arabia, and thus, we are responsible to provide our customers and our society with the most effective security solution to eliminate the risks of all cyber-attacks waged against Saudi Arabia.
In response to today's advanced cyber-attacks, we’ve brought to you Cisco Security Bundles – The ultimate solution to stop and even paralyze all hacker’s attempts to infiltrate systems using ransomware or to cause any kind of harm to any organization all over KSA.

Want to ensure Sound Protection for your organization? Get Cisco Security Bundles NOW!

With Cisco Security Bundles, we ensure that you and your organization will be fully protected and secured against all the latest, most sophisticated viruses, including Shamoon.

If you have any questions or any concerns, don't hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to deliver not only the best security tools but also the best implementation of those tools.

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