Home Blog On-Premises Vs Cloud Computing - Which One Is Right For You?

On-Premises Vs Cloud Computing - Which One Is Right For You?

 2019/01/01   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   1691 visit(s)




Despite all the hype surrounding the whole cloud computing revolution, there’s no denying the flexibility and scalability of the cloud. This is especially true in the case of smaller businesses with relatively limited funds available for investing in their IT infrastructures. However, the choice between cloud and on-premises isn’t always an easy one, as there are a number of things to consider, including:

Maintenance and upgrades

On average, businesses tend to upgrade on-site hardware such as servers, workstations and networking equipment every four to six years. After all, in the fast-moving world of business IT, sticking to a dated infrastructure normally only ends up costing money in the long run. On the other hand, upgrades can be expensive, particularly if you’re heavily reliant on your in-house server for storing data and hosting everyday business applications.

Since on-premises systems require regular maintenance and upgrades, you’ll normally have to hire someone to look after the system or find a company that will take care of your IT consultancy and maintenance needs. Cloud-based services, by contrast, require much less on-premises hardware and, consequently, maintenance. In fact, all you need is a network of thin clients – barebones computers with monitors and input devices necessary for accessing your remotely hosted apps and storage.

Electricity and utility bills

An on-premises data center can generate a lot of heat; hence the reason larger data centers need sophisticated cooling systems to keep them running optimally. This factor soon translates into high annual costs without even considering regular maintenance, upgrades and repairs. Cloud computing is the clear winner here, since it doesn’t require any power-hungry on-site resources or a large, dedicated space for storing a server system.

The likelihood of downtime events

As companies of all sizes become increasingly reliant on their IT infrastructures, downtime is becoming a major concern. After all, every hour your server is offline will end up costing your business money. If you’ve ever wanted to purchase something only to be told that the vendor’s systems are unavailable, there’s a good chance you gave up and started looking elsewhere. Of course, this is not a situation that any business wants to find itself in too often.

If you’re entirely reliant on in-house computing, downtime is likely to be a major problem during hardware, software or operating system upgrades, not to mention any potential “teething” pains that might follow. With the cloud, all such matters are taken care of, and a decent cloud-based service should be able to offer an uptime very close to 100%, since they’ll have redundant systems in place to eliminate downtime when upgrading their own servers.

Bandwidth requirements and consumption

Many cloud-based services also provide their own innovative ways to handle bandwidth-related issues, such as caching commonly accessed data on local machines. While there’s still a case for on-premises computing in certain situations, the scalability and flexibility of the cloud makes it by far the most practical option for SMBs with limited resources. We provide a wide range of tailored on-premises as well as cloud services to accommodate businesses of all sizes across Saudi Arabia. Contact us today to learn more.

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