Home Blog 5 BEST Security Solutions we can offer YOU!!!

5 BEST Security Solutions we can offer YOU!!!

 2015/08/31   Unified Communications & Networking Solutions   3257 visit(s)




  • Are you afraid cyber attacks, data breaching and those "infamous" black hats will endanger your fragile data?

  • Have you ever navigated the networking-world looking for data security solutions that offer well-managed services while helping you reduce costs??

"Ctelecoms has your solution!"

But first, let's take a brief look at the top 5 security items in the market today according to Jamey Heary's fantastic blog.

1. Firewall

The basis of network defense, for over a decade, is still required to maintain a dense foundational security. Its task to control what data flows go where, is fairly simple, your task of protecting your assets increases rapidly without firewalls to get rid of unwanted flows. Firewalls need to be available at your external borders as well as inside your network in order to secure data segmentation. Arranging firewalls internally is a new best practice which is mainly driven by the dissolution of any sense of a palpable network border that can distinguish between reliable network traffic and unreliable network traffic. Our former subtle internet border no longer exists in modern networks. Another change is that firewall are getting smarter in defining data flows and it is now common for it to control these flows according to the type of application or application function presented by firewall. For instance, firewall is capable of blocking SIP calls based on the number dialed.

2. FW, IPS, QoS, VPN Routers! 

Routers are available in most networks and have been used mainly to detect flows. However, modern routers have become so much more; they have become chock full of security features, most routers today are capable of extraordinary firewalling features, functioning some useful IDS/IPS, great service and traffic management tools as well as reliable virtual private network data encryption facilities. And that's now all! Today, the power of modern routers which adds security to your network is going unnoticed. and although now many do so, with the recent VPN technology, it has become a lot easier to encrypt all data crossing your WAN links. So turn on your routers and watch your security posture improve!

3. Wireless WPA2 

This one is a definite no-brainer. Using WPA2 wireless security is must! Many other wireless security methods are not safe and within minutes, function a lot less effectively. So make it hard on the bad guys and turn on your WPA2 now!

4. Email Security 

Email is currently the top hacker attack vector. All means of computer damaging and viruses love to use email as their method of propagation and email is most of the time, responsible for the loss of our most important data. In addition to all the threats and lost data, we also have spam mail which is, unfortunately, about 90% of emails sent today! A reliable email security solution filters all the junk and spam mail. It's very likely that the more spam you are receiving the more malware you have going through your system. The spam features in the email is usually the main focus of the product, so if it's not doing its job getting rid of spam then it most likely isn't doing its job in filtering malware and data loss.

5. Web Security 

Today, viruses coming from port 80 and 443 are increasing and rising faster than any other attack vector. Because of the increasing amount of web based attacks, it has become necessary that a smart web security solution is brought into action and more than simple URL filtering, which has been used effectively for years, is needed. We need AV scanning, malware scanning, IP reputation awareness, and categorization techniques as well as data leakage prevention functions. Because hackers are using high profile sites at a very shocking rate, we cannot simply rely on only URL white list and black list filtering because doing so, we would have nothing left in the white list! Any web security solution has to be capable of vigorously scan wed traffic to make sure its valid. And out of all the mentioned solutions, web security takes the risk of using the best and highly advanced solution that will pay for the most. Web security solutions are coming out at high speed.  

What Ctelecoms Offer YOU!

Now you have the basic knowledge on almost all the security methods you can implement at your company to experience highly effective data security. If you haven't deployed a data-protecting software, you are risking far too much, at least one data security solution is required to keep all your valuable information safe and as far away from harm as possible, right? So if you are looking for a data security service, you can see our cost-effective solutions right here! And please feel free to contact us if you require any additional details.

Remember, Ctelecoms are always glad to be of service!


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