Home Blog Getting Started With Microsoft Stream | Ctelecoms - KSA

Getting Started With Microsoft Stream | Ctelecoms - KSA

 2019/03/13   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   2000 visit(s)




More and more Office 365 users are realizing the power of video for internal communications. When it comes to making the most of your Office 365 subscription, investing in a corporate video streaming solution, like Microsoft Stream, is the key.

Microsoft Stream is an Enterprise Video service where you can upload, view, share and interact with videos securely within our organization. You can share recordings of meetings, presentations, training sessions, or other videos that aid your team's collaboration.

Key Features of Microsoft Stream:

All your videos in one place, wherever you are

Watch videos from across your organization in the Stream application or in other applications you use every day—any time, on any device.

Find every moment that matters

Speech to text, auto-generated closed captions, and face detection features create more ways to find and interact with your videos—so everyone can access relevant content quickly and easily.

Create compelling communications

Make your digital communications more impactful by delivering messages that capture personality and emotion through video.

Collaborate more easily with video in all your apps

Bring your training videos, team meeting recordings, and more into the apps you use every day to enrich experiences within the context of daily work.

Start Using Microsoft Stream:

To get started with Microsoft Stream, you can click on the "Stream" tile in the Office 365 App Launcher or go to stream.microsoft.com and log-in with your corporate credentials.

Upload A Video

You can find the upload button at the top of any page or just drag and drop new videos to one of your groups or channels. You can upload multiple videos at the same time and even browse Microsoft Stream while your videos are uploading in the background.

  1. In the Microsoft Stream portal, select CreateUpload a video or the upload icon from the top navigation bar.
  2. Drag and drop or select filesfrom your computer or device. 

Invite your coworkers

1. Select the "invite" button on the top right corner of the Microsoft Stream navigation bar.

2. Search for the people or groups you would like to invite to Microsoft Stream

If your organization uses Azure Active directory, you will be able to search for co-workers using their names. Otherwise, you can directly add an email address belonging to the same email domain as yourself.

3. Select invite and Microsoft Stream will send an email invitation to those listed, but not already signed up for Microsoft Stream. Once they sign up and join, they can begin watching and uploading their own videos.

Search across Stream

1. Type in a word or phrase into the Searchbox at the top of Microsoft Stream. Press enter or click the magnifying glass.

2. Pivot your search results by either VideosChannels, or Peopledepending on what you are looking for.

3. For videos and channels you can sort the results to further make it easier to find what you are looking for. 

We hope we've managed to help you get started with the most basic steps of using Microsoft Stream. If you need more information or have any questions regarding any of Stream's functionalities, feel free to get in touch with Ctelecoms any time you wish. We are Gold Microsoft Partner in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah & Riyadh) with all the expertise to help out with a wide array of Microsoft Cloud Solutions.

Ctelecoms team.

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