Home Blog 5 Essential Cyber-security Strategies You Should Know About

5 Essential Cyber-security Strategies You Should Know About

 2019/09/12   IT & Cyber-Security Solutions   2305 visit(s)




Thinking “it won’t happen to us” is one of the biggest mistakes a business can make when it comes to cybersecurity. Every organization is at risk of data breach, systems hack, malware or ransomware attack, or the cybercriminal illicitly accessing their network’s processing power.

It is assumed that large enterprises are the prime target for cyber criminals because of their extensive customer data base, large net-worth and high turnover of employees. Surprisingly though, it’s SMBs that are increasingly on the receiving end of cyber-attacks.

Why is that? Well, SMBs believe that because of the size of their business, they aren’t at risk and therefore don’t need to employ a security strategy. However, this naïve outlook is what makes SMBs a cyber criminals dream. They are more likely to be unprepared, with gaps in their security making it easier for cyber criminals to get into systems, whether that be via malware, phishing, spear-phishing or more.

“The common issue we find is that businesses think that they are immune to it, or too small to be considered a worthwhile target” – Insurance Business.

To ensure you maintain a safe and secure business, it’s important to highlight the 5 cybersecurity strategies that you should have in place:

1.Educate Your Employees

Uneducated employees can pose the biggest threat to a business if a suspicious email land in their inbox. Without intention, employees can accidently click malicious links or send sensitive data to a criminal posing as someone from the business. In light of this, showing employees examples of attacks and the consequences is imperative.

2.Have an effective Security Plan

Implementing a security policy should always be at the forefront of your cybersecurity strategy. Whilst educating your employees can potentially strengthen your email security, security measures don’t stop there. You need an effective security solution such as Cisco Cloud Email Security by Ctelecoms, which helps to detect both known and unknown threats such as spear-phishing, sensitive data requests and zero-day malware. As well as Email Security, your devices can be protected against malware and viruses with Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP).

3.Have an Effective Backup Plan

An effective backup plan should be something that you already have in place to protect your files. A popular tactic used by cybercriminals known as ‘ransomware’ means cyber criminals may hold valuable data hostage in return for a large ransom fee.

If you customers become a victim of ransomware and don’t have backup, your files are no longer safe unless they cough up. This means that having an adequate backup solution in place is essential and may save you a lot of money in the long run.

4.Avoid Public Wi-Fi

It can be tempting for your remote workers to connect to public Wi-Fi spots such as airports, hotels and coffeeshops. However, public Wi-Fi is called public for a reason. Without a private connection, hackers can intercept the data you are transferring and hold this ransom. To ensure you stay safe when working on the go, you should consider using a VPN for all devices and to ensure no sensitive, business critical data is stored on a portable device.

If you can’t use a VPN, or even if you can and want added protection – Cisco Umbrella will provide an extra line of defense against both internal and external attacks.

5.Enable a Password Strategy

Whilst it may be tempting for you to use a combination of pet names and numbers to create a memorable password to be used across all services, it’s vital that you use unique passwords for every service you log in to. The reason behind this is simple, if a hacker can guess a password for one account – they have access to all the accounts.

With all the above in mind, you should feel ready to talk security with Ctelecoms and ensure have us tailor a powerful, cost-effective cybersecurity strategy for you. For any information on our backup and security products, get in touch with us today.

Ctelecoms Team

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