2019/12/02 Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery Solutions 1941 visit(s)
The IT world has always played a major role in our daily lives. Whether you’re a business owner, an IT manager or simply a PC / mobile phone user, you should always keep track of how to best utilize these technologies and not fall for the misconceptions that may harm you or your device(s) somehow.
The IT world has always played a major role in our daily lives, and there are some wrong beliefs about it. Today’s blog aims to dispel 6 of the most common misconceptions you – like many other people – may have had:
It is true that Macs are less susceptible to viruses than Microsoft Windows computers. This is due to the fact that Windows owns 91.86% of the market. However, there’s no such thing as a 100% safe computer – no matter the system. Macintosh users also face trojan horses, phishing scams and online fraud. So, Mac users should also be careful not to fall victims for viruses.
Almost every browser offers users a incognito/private mode to help them erase their tracks online. These capabilities are designed to erase your history after each session but they shouldn’t trick you into believing that you’ve become fully anonymous online.
Despite the fact that these modes can mask your activity on your own device, the authorities, your ISP, your work network and the actual sites you visit can still log your online activity. So if you ever believed the opposite, you should have second thoughts about it.
Paying for google will get you at the first ranks, but not in the organic results. The organic results are the best, most related and most user-friendly to the surfer's search. How to get your site in the organic list? By using SEO search engine optimization.
In the old days? Yes. But not these days. The modern batteries have evolved, so keeping your battery charging all night is not a problem anymore. However using phone cases while charging will over-heat the device that is why manufacturers recommend removing the case while charging. Also, users should consider that buying cheap chargers will ruin your battery.
Do you use a computer? Do you shop online or log into social accounts? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should secure your computer or any internet-connected device. Hackers can use your emails to impersonate you or log you out of all your accounts including your bank account. So, yes you should definitely care about your device security.
Firewalls only stop certain types of viruses from spreading from on device to another, so they are not impenetrable as Hollywood shows in movies. In other words, your normal Windows firewall – unless regularly updated – may not necessarily help you stop all kinds of viruses and internet threats, especially the sophisticated ones.
If you had the choice between your simple firewall and a comprehensive IT security solution, with advanced firewall included, you should definitely choose the second option which will enable you to stop a lot more threats. Businesses are always advised to install spam-prevention, content filtering, and centralized antivirus/antimalware solutions along with the firewall to ensure that they have multi layered security in place.
If you still have any questions or need more clarification on the aforementioned points, contact our team to help you out.