Home Blog Advantages of Adopting Hyber-converged Infrastructure (HCI)

Advantages of Adopting Hyber-converged Infrastructure (HCI)

 2020/01/21   Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery Solutions   1813 visit(s)  3 min to read




Saudi Organizations need faster and more reliable storage performance than ever before. Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) provides a path to a secure, modern infrastructure. HCI simplifies management, consolidates resources and reduces costs by combining compute, storage and networking into a single system.

Because of these benefits, HCI adoption continues growing all across KSA, and many Saudi organizations consider the solution critical to their strategic IT priorities.

Here is why each and every Saudi business should adopt HCI:

Core Advantages of Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI):

1) Cost efficiency:

Cost isn’t the only consideration when designing your IT solution, but it’s certainly important. The fastest datacenter in the world isn’t actually all that useful if you have to spend your entire profit margin on software licenses and an army of specialist staff.

Hyperconvergence brings an affordable economic model to any IT department, avoiding large up-front costs and large infrastructure purchases every few years. Since there is less equipment to purchase, maintain, and support, the recurring costs of supporting an HCI data center are lower.

By delivering virtualization, storage, compute, network, management and data protection in an easy to manage yet scalable application, an organization can seamlessly manage their complex infrastructure.

Hyperconvergence also decreases the cost of entry, since businesses only need to pay for what they actually need, not what they will need five years from now. Hyperconverged systems have a low cost of entry and a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) compared with legacy infrastructure or integrated systems.

2)  Software-defined storage: 

Storage in a hyperconverged infrastructure is software-defined. The storage nodes act as one highly-reliable and redundant pool of storage. Should one node go down, the rest will remain unaffected. This resilience is key to ensuring connectivity and uptime.

3)  Agility:

In a hyperconverged infrastructure, your workloads all fall under the same administrative umbrella. This makes it easier to migrate workloads from one location to another.

4)  Scalability:

Because of the node-based architecture, it is very easy to scale up your hyperconverged data center. Simply add or subtract nodes to match your resource demand. Of course, unlike disaggregated hyperconverged infrastructure (dHCI), you also need to add and subtract storage in a linear fashion.

5) Automation

Automation is a fundamental part of managing hyperconvergence. When all datacenter resources are truly combined and when centralized management tools are in place, administrative functionality includes scheduling opportunities as well as scripting options.

These are greatly streamlined compared to what is required in a traditional datacenter design, because IT personnel don’t need to worry about trying to create automated structures with hardware from different manufacturers or product lines.

6) Simplified Procurement and Support

Hyperconvergence provides a single-vendor approach to procurement, operations, and support. In this respect, hyperconvergence is similar to the offerings of systems integrators. Customers get one point of contact for the life of the system, from initial inquiry to system stand-down.

However, hyperconvergence is usually less expensive than integrated systems. It is also simpler, especially in the matter of upgrades. In a hyperconverged system, there is only a single manufacturer and only one upgrade to be done. As the vendor adds new features in updated software releases, customers gain the benefits of those features immediately, without having to replace hardware. Reduced complexity in these processes translates directly to saved time and lower operational costs.

7) Increased Data Protection

With built-in high availability and replication, hyperconverged infrastructure considerably reduces the risk and eliminates the cost of downtime, as well as simplifying the recovery process. Solving problems becomes faster and cheaper because you don’t waste time figuring out which vendor to call for support.

8)  Improved Performance

Hyperconvergence enables organizations to deploy many kinds of applications and workloads in a single shared resource pool without worrying about reduced performance due to the IO blender effect.

Hyperconverged systems include both solid-state storage and spinning-disk in each appliance. The mix of storage enables systems to handle both random and sequential workloads easily.

A single appliance might have multiple terabytes of each kind of storage installed. Because multiple appliances are necessary to achieve full redundancy and data protection, there is plenty of both kinds of storage to go around.

With so many solid-state storage devices in a hyperconverged cluster, there are more than enough IOPs to support even the most intensive workloads, including virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) boot and login storms.

The IT team can move away from the need to create resource islands just to meet IO needs of particular applications. The environment itself handles all of the CPU, RAM, capacity, and IOPS assignments so that administrators can focus on the application and not individual resource needs.

Migrate To Hyber-Converged Infrastructure Today!

Ctelecoms has over a decade of experience helping Saudi organizations modernize their data centers for agility, scalability and cost efficiency to support rapid business innovation. Being a Gold Dell Technologies partner in KSA (Jeddah, Riyadh & Western Saudi Arabia), Ctelecoms can help you easily and smoothly migrate to HCI without disrupting your workloads or causing you unwanted downtime. Get in touch with us today.



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