2021/01/16 Microsoft Cloud Solutions 1636 visit(s)
Musab Ghannaj
Just a while ago, I was working on a project migrating users from Lotus Domino IBM email system to Office 365. At that point, I encountered a strange issue after moving a certain number of users to Office 365. It went like this: Emails passing from migrated users to unmigrated ones were received in Plain Text Formatting instead of Rich Text Formatting. This means all emails delivered from migrated users to their fellow yet-to-be-migrated ones (including HTML signatures, tables of rows or columns…etc.,) looked terrible and messy on the receiver’s side.
By default, email messages that are sent from Exchange Online in Office 365 use the Transport Neutral Encapsulation or (TNEF) format. Messaging systems that aren't based on Microsoft Exchange - like Lotus Domino in my case - were seemingly unable to interpret messages that use this rich text format even when they belong to the same domain.
To solve this issue, there are two options: PowerShell Commands or Office 365 ECP portal. In this blog, I will focus on employing PowerShell to help get things sorted.
1. Connect to Exchange as a global admin.
New-RemoteDomain -Name Contoso -DomainName Contoso.com
Set-RemoteDomain -Identity Contoso -TNEFEnabled $false
Get-RemoteDomain -Identity Contoso | Select TNEFEnabled
Wait for at least an hour and test the email again.
Hope this is going to solve the prroblem for you.
Musab Ghannaj,
Ctelecoms Team