Home Blog Windows 365: Say Hello To The Cloud PC!

Windows 365: Say Hello To The Cloud PC!

 2021/08/01   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   1747 visit(s)



The announcement of the launch of Windows 365, a cloud-based SaaS service version of Microsoft’s operating system, came as a great news! It’s a long-anticipated move from Microsoft to put Windows in the cloud, but what exactly is Windows 365 Cloud PC? Keep reading to find out how the new Microsoft cloud computing platform can benefit your business.

Introducing Windows 365!

Available tomorrow (Aug, 2), Windows 365 is a new service that will let businesses access Cloud PCs from anywhere, streaming a version of Windows 10 or Windows 11 in a web browser. While virtualization and remote access to PCs has existed for more than a decade, Microsoft is betting on Windows 365 to offer Cloud PCs to businesses just as they shift toward a mix of office and remote work. So basically, the promise is to revolutionize office work by providing a hybrid approach to office computer systems via remote access.

Key Takeaways for your business 

Now let’s look into Windows 365 Cloud PC and all of Microsoft’s big promises. We’ll explain what this “Cloud PC” does, and how remote access might change the way you work. Windows 365 will work on any modern web browser or through Microsoft’s Remote Desktop app, allowing users to access their Cloud PC from a variety of devices.
“Windows 365 provides an instant-on boot experience,” according to Wangui McKelvey, a general manager for Microsoft 365. This instant access lets workers stream their Windows session with all of their same apps, tools, data, and settings across Macs, iPads, Linux machines, and Android devices.
“You can pick up right where you left off, because the state of your Cloud PC remains the same, even when you switch devices,” explains McKelvey. By utilizing cloud PCs, businesses could create an entirely virtual computer system that workers can access from whichever device they choose.
Since Microsoft 365 Cloud PC is a cloud service that hosts virtual PCs with Windows installed on them, companies can use these virtual machines (or VMs) as if they were real Windows computers physically located in their offices. The only requirement is an internet connection. These Cloud PCS should be able to stream a full Windows experience to any device you own, allowing you to easily switch devices for remote work.
Business customers will be able to take advantage of this “hybrid Windows” model to create a seamless transition between in-office and remote work. Users will be able to use a Windows 365 virtual desktop when working in the office, then log in to that same Windows 365 Cloud PC on their personal computer when working remotely, with access to the same apps and files.
Windows 365 will come as part of the Microsoft 365 SaaS platform, which means it will follow a subscription model, billed per user. More reasons why your business should care? Well, you can save an up-front cost on hardware by running Microsoft’s virtual office PCs on weaker hardware.
This creates opportunities for small businesses that lack resources to access the same computing power as their larger competitors. Plus, the Microsoft cloud PC platform lets you scale processing power by allocating extra resources to your cloud PCs (at an additional cost).
Plus, because you pay on a per-user basis, you won’t have to pay for redundant VMs. Software developers will be glad to hear that the new virtual Windows machines work just like regular physical devices do, so developing for a virtual Windows machine should work the same way. This bodes well for app compatibility, too.
Have any questions related to Windows 365? Get in touch with Ctelecoms today!

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