Home Blog 3 new enhancements to Project Online!

3 new enhancements to Project Online!

 2015/12/16   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   2925 visit(s)


Ready for the great news? Today Ctelecoms is VERY excited to inform users that based on your requests, Microsoft is introducing three new cutting edge improvements to project online! 

Email notifications

The new improved email notification feature always keeps you up to date with what's new, what's to come and what you are currently working with!

To find out exactly what this new function offers, check out the following:


This new improvement is available today across all Project Web App (PWA) sites! <<Haven't change much.

Project IDs

Generating a unique project ID on every project creation is a constant request Microsoft is receiving from customers, so based on your demands, Microsoft has achieved just that! Now all you have to do it enter the next number after you make a project using the custom handler.

You must define your project ID as part of the Enterprise Project Type (EPT) to use this feature:

This functionality can be updated with CSOM and can be included to views in custom reports and throughout PWA.

This new update will reach PWA sites in the next upcoming months! 

Increasing custom field limits for reporting

So you wanted more project text custom fields in your reports? Well there you have it! Microsoft have done just that and more! In their exact words: "We have increased the limits on ALL custom field types that can be reported on".


You can see the new limits in the table below:


Microsoft hope that with these three new enhancements, customers will leverage their business efficiency and boost productivity! Ctelecoms looks forwards to hearing what you think in the comments and feedback below.

It's also worth noting that customers who have recently tried these features are very happy and are thanking Microsoft for all the "cool new updates". So thank you Microsoft!

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