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Telecommuting that looks AWESOME

 2016/04/18   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   2648 visit(s)




Ever felt like those long working hours at the office are doing you more harm than good?

Telecommuting is becoming all the rage in today’s work environment, everyone wants to make their work experience feel less like work, and everyone can’t wait to leave the office. Working long hours in a boring work environment is actually the worst that could possibly happen to your business, unsatisfied and tedious employees almost always result in bad work performance and in due course, business fail. So working directly from your home has now become the new trend! It’s actually been proven to serve more effective than working in an office, why? Because telecommuters are more likely to be involved in their jobs due to comfort, the feeling of not being under pressure all the time and the chance to actually spend some quality time with their families. There’s no place like home, right?

However, that’s not to say there aren’t a few cons here and there; some telecommuters miss out on important announcements, meetings and the opportunity to “bond” with their co-workers, in fact, a case study in China revealed that those who work at home are up to 50% less likely to get promoted! So if you’re a mobile worker you’re probably wondering, “what do I have to do to make my work as successful as possible?” Well stay tuned to find out…



Well, seeing as there is a shortage in direct communication with your co-workers, let them know what you’re doing. If you’ll be away from your desk (say you’re going out), make sure to inform the rest of the team when you’ll be back in case something pressing comes up while you’re away!


NEVER miss a deadline!

It doesn’t mean if you are all cozy working at home you should go around slacking off! Make your work productivity exactly as it would be if you were at the office, you don’t want to hold your boss or co-workers back…


Use all the available technology you have

Again, we come back to interaction and communication! Instant messaging, video conferencing and skype, now even more fantastic for business with its newest update which you can read all about right here!

So take advantage of any opportunity to interact and collaborate with your team, remember, you have act as you would if you were at the office.


Pay the office regular visits!

Well the title is clear enough! Some telecommuters may live far away from work, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t visit the office every now and them for regular updates and important meetings, discussing the amount of visits with your manager is important to determine how often you should be seen around the office. And do you know what the awesome thing is? You will want to pop in every now and then, in fact, you’ll be amazed at how much it can help you bond and interact with your co-workers and give you a “change of mood!”


Build relationships

Remember when you were a kid at school, and you’d make tons of friends who’d let you copy their homework when you “forget” to write yours?? Well that doesn’t change when you get older! Build friendly relationships with your team and check in regularly with your new chums to stay updated on all important announcements and information that passes you by while you’re busy working at home.

In a nutshell, by following these steps, the mobile workforce can stay engaged and steady in their work production. So why not make this a “win-win” relationship where YOU get to be happy working from home and at the same time, your co-workers/boss are satisfied with your outcome? At the end of the day, a successful workflow is all that’s wanted regardless the method used to maintain that goal!






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