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Support Hybrid Work with Meraki and Cisco Spaces

 2023/04/29   Meraki Networking Solutions   635 visit(s)  3 min to read




Create a safe, smart, sustainable and seamless onsite workplace.

  • How can the office be reimagined and redesigned for hybrid work?
  • How much space do you need?
  • How can you optimize your space to create experiences that retain employees?


Hybrid work has changed the way we think about work. It’s a flexible, modern way of working that’s been spreading around the working world for years. However, despite being popular with so many companies worldwide, However, hybrid work is not suitable for everyone.

Nowadays, a physical workspace needs to provide employees with greater incentives they need to encourage and draws them back into the office and enables them to build relationships and feel connected.

Your network as a sensor  

 Now you can leverage your Cisco network as a powerful sensor!!

Cisco and Meraki access points, Meraki MT sensors, and Webex devices can easily bypass communication and become sensors of environmental conditions.

Cisco Spaces leverages Meraki's existing infrastructure to make buildings smarter by providing greater visibility into space occupancy and utilization, enabling facilities and IT teams to be more productive and improving the employee experience.

Rich employee experiences

Cisco Spaces creates a great experience as it converts the CAD (Computer Aided Design) maps of your building into rich 3D maps, thus allowing users to visualize and locate points of interest, such as meeting rooms, offices, elevators, etc... These maps are a canvas on which they appear Your hybrid workplace and can be used on Webex boards and other digital signage to provide contextual awareness.

Users can also use maps to visualize real-time meeting room availability and booking information along with key environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and noise. Simply press a button on the digital signage to hold the meeting room temporarily until you need it.

Safety and well-being

Combine Cisco Spaces with Meraki Wi-Fi access points to monitor building and floor occupancy in real time. IT and facility teams can set occupancy limits and receive real-time notifications when thresholds are exceeded to avoid overcrowding and plan facility services based on actual occupancy. We also use Meraki MT sensors to get real-time environment updates (indoor air quality, temperature, and humidity) for a specific building, floor or conference room and make this information available to employees.

Space utilization analytics

Facilities and property teams receive real-time data and historical views, simplifying the complexity of reconfiguring and redesigning their workspaces.

for example:

  • Measure and visualize space occupancy and utilization via 3D maps to identify underutilized areas and discover opportunities for space consolidation or restructuring.
  • Run A/B tests on your current space to measure the impact of onsite events and layout changes.
  • Monitor environmental conditions (air quality, temperature, humidity, etc.) and energy consumption to promote sustainability.
  • Extend data outside of Cisco Spaces to third-party apps and data lakes for advanced analytics.

The best part about Cisco Spaces is that it's IT approved. With over 10,000 IT users, Cisco Spaces is secure, scalable, and provides 24/7 monitoring and support. Cisco Spaces also offers an open ecosystem for partners to build on.

Ctelecoms provides innovative solutions to help businesses reimagine and redesign their physical workspaces for hybrid work. Contact us today to learn more about how you can optimize your space for hybrid work and create rich employee experiences.

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