Home Blog Collaborate in REAL TIME via Skype!

Collaborate in REAL TIME via Skype!

 2016/05/01   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   2446 visit(s)  3 min to read




After reading Microsoft's Chat with your editiors via Skype, Ctelecoms is thrilled to announce Microsoft’s NEW skype-feature, you can now chat and edit files in real time with your fellow co-workers simultaneously! Microsoft has explained this feature in an earlier announcement. And here you will find all the details you will need…

Getting started

To start working on your documents with your colleagues, just share the document and start editing together! You will see a small list of all co-editors at the top of the application and a blue chat button next to it that adds all your co-editors as recipients so you can instantly start a chat with them.

Please note that this feature is only available for OneDrive files for the time being SharePoint and OneDrive for Business are coming soon.


Harnessing the power of Skype

Another fantastic addition! One of the most requested features on Microsoft’s  Word UserVoice forum was the ability to group call and group video chat, well guess what? That’s exactly the feature Microsoft has deployed for you guys. So if you needed more than just instant messaging, there you have it!

And that’s not all, none of us can do without a few emojis here and there, right? So Microsoft Office team has done the cool job of adding the all those smiley faces we’re used to (and angry ones) along with GIFs (which can be found in the emoticon selector), all for your heart’s content!


Display your saved conversations

With this feature, you can now view all earlier Skype conversations even after your co-editors leave the chat, just click on the small skype logo at the top right of the screen to view all previous chats.

And that’s all for today folks! Have fun collaborating and sharing docs with all your co-workers with Skype like never before. Enjoy!

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