Home Blog 5 FANTASTIC updates in Office 365!

5 FANTASTIC updates in Office 365!

 2016/05/10   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   2627 visit(s)  4 min to read




It’s no secret that Microsoft are always trying their best to please Office users! So today, we, Ctelecoms is thrilled to introduce you to FIVE of their newest enhancements in Office 365! And that’s not all, Microsoft have released the “Deferred Channel” build for their commercial customers! Read on for more details…


Enhancing the Office experience on mobile devices

Woohoo! Microsoft has improved the Office feature on ALL mobile devices by making the Office experience far more flexible and simpler, so let’s name them!

  • Annotate with ink on Windows tablets: Although for the time being, this feature is only available to Office insiders, with the new Draw tool, you can now draw and jot down notes with your pen, finger or with any of the new tools available, on Word, Excel and PowerPoint Mobile on Windows tablets. So have fun with that guys!

Also, check out last month’s evolution of the inking experience in Office to find out more on this feature!


  • Clip your documents to the Start menu on Windows phones and tablets: Well that’s exactly what it says, now you can clip all your favorite documents and files to your start menu and pick up where you left off so much easier than ever before!

  • Insert images using the camera on your phone or tablet: I personally love this one, just from the sound of it! You can now take pictures and edit them to your heart’s content, then import them directly to your Windows documents and androids through Office apps that are integrated to your phone’s camera!


This functionality is now available in PowerPoint for Office Insiders, and will soon be available for Word and Excel, so keep your eyes wide open folks!


  • Enabling partner storage to integrate in Office for iPhone and iPad: Microsoft announced the Office-iOS integration for all Cloud Storage partner program (CSPP) providers last month, and is now allowing this integration with Box inWord, Excel and PowerPoint and more programs yet to come!


More functions, charts and sharing options for Excel!

More functions: Simplified calculation-building and enhanced Formula AutoComplete allows you to easily find your desired feature! For more on this functionality, click here.

Charts: Treemap, Sunburst and Waterfall are Excel’s newest chart types along with the funnel chart Windows desktops, tablets, phones and Androids. Need more information on Excel’s charts? Just click here!

Sharing options: Microsoft have added countless new methods to share and manage all your data. Integrated with Power BI service, sharing your data with others has never been easier! To know more about this awesome feature, visit here after signing up for a FREE BI subscription, or logging in if you already have an account (again, all through the link above).


Outlook adds the “one-click Archive” and improves your Office group connectivity!

Improve your group connectivity with Outlook through combined access to your group’s shared inbox shared calendar, OneNote notebook, OneDrive and so much more! Microsoft is also adding a new groups section as well as the suggested groups feature, and the ability to form your own groups from the ribbon. The Archive feature is another impressive one, used to help users easily move files from your inbox to other files.

This feature is now available in Outlook on iOS, Android and the web and will soon be available on Outlook for MAC.


Office for Mac updates


  • Morph is now available in PowerPoint for MAC: Make incredible presentations quick and easy with one of PowerPoints latest tools- the Morph tool. The Morph tool allows you to manage and move more than one object simultaneously, you can find out everything you need about this feature right here!


  • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar: You can now customize commands, so you can select your most wanted (or needed) commands and display them on the top left corner of your page for easy access! To get started, just click -This feature in in response of a top user suggestion.


  • Faster updates: For current MAC users, you can now update faster by just downloading the latest changes since the last release, this means much smaller download packages and smaller yet to come!


  • If you haven’t already joined in the Office Insider build, from the Microsoft Auto Update (MAU) tool on your Mac. For more details, visit com/Insider. And get office insider support from  @OfficeInsideron Twitter.


Office 2016 build now available for commercial customers in Deferred Channel!!

Now guess what?! Microsoft is releasing the first Office 365 Deferred Channel build which is the same as the Office 2016 version that was released on the 22nd September 2015, only with countless extra security updates!

This feature allows commercial customers to receive packages three times a year instead of the usual monthly upgrades.

Customers on Deferred Channel can get the new build of Office 2016 in the Office 365 User Software Page as well as the Office CDN.

You can get more details on all that’s new in Office 2016 and Office for Mac. And for all Office 365 home or personal users, be sure to get an Office Insider builds and a First Release!




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