Home Blog The groundbreaking invention of "The Medical Lens" - Google X

The groundbreaking invention of "The Medical Lens" - Google X

 2016/06/09   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   3398 visit(s)  2 min to read



Ever wondered if there was maybe an alternative to the daily finger-pricking method to monitor your glucose level for Diabetes?
Well there is! One of the most interesting inventions to date, is this seemingly small lens-device. Google’s “secret agents” -Google X, have constructed a special lens that detects and determines sugar levels in the body through tears to help identify patients who have quickly progressing glaucoma. it also posseses a smart device that generates warnings of any irregular sugar levels.
The Medical Lens
All images in this blog are attributed to Google and novartis

Hold on, there’s more! Google X have also developed another type of lens with a similar construction, this next lens not only transfers data to connected devices, but also imitates eye muscle behavior to adjust focus so you’ll never need to swap your glasses again!



Google XAll images in this blog are attributed to Google and novartis.


Neither of the smart lenses is are yet available in the market, and we still don't know which of the two will be released first. But one thing's for sure, with Google's outstanding inventions, it will be hard to predict what they'll come up with next! 

So what do you guys think of these new lenses? Share your thoughts below!





All images in this blog are attributed to Google and novartis.

Content inspired by: Futuristic Contact lens in Sight



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