Home Blog EVERYTHING Microsoft wants you to know about IP voice!

EVERYTHING Microsoft wants you to know about IP voice!

 2015/04/01   Unified Communications & Networking Solutions   3871 visit(s)


Hello there!

We, Ctelecoms are happy to provide you with all you need to know regrding IP Voice. So if you're wondering how to link your IP Voice or whether it will work for your phone, you may find the answer you're looking for down below! So go ahead and check out Microsoft's IP Voice FAQ:


Microsoft NewsTelcos is selling SIP services at a very reasonable price and, to be honest, it's quite a surprise they aren't as popular in the market yet! So don't miss the chance to check them out (before everyone recognises its true value!).

Phone lines or IP trunks?

(ISDN) lines are the main method of connection. And you probably won't find an organization that limits itself to using IP trunks only just because ISDN lines deliver a better quality signal. SIP services depend on calls coming from over the Internet, so unless sound quality is a must for you, it's ok to make phone calls in your country. 


Can I use SIP for cheap international calls?

Again, if you care a lot about high quality sound, SIP international calls aren't for you. Actually it shouldn't be used for business calls seeing as you probably would want great sound to go with that! Talk to a far away relative is a better idea maybe?


Proprietary or SIP handsets?

Microsoft gives you the choice with this one. It's actually not that important which one you use.  Retailer's handsets support its personal SIP standard if you want a business phone system, and you can still buy a handset even if you decide to buy an open-source phone system instead!


How do I connect the handsets?

Good question. The good thing about IP Voice is that you don't really need to directly link the phone to PBX (private branch exchange), only one RJ-45 outlet is needed instead of two.

High-resolution graphics and videos slow down phones that can only do 100Mbps Ethernet, so unless users are tossing around these high-res pics/vids, you should have no problem with the speed. So anyone who tells you the phone is effecting your computer speed...now you know they're fibbing! 


Do I need QoS?

Not if you have a good LAN. But the provider will likely try to sell you LAN switches to support (QoS) warranties. The only time you will need a (QoS) is if you are doing IP voice over a certain WAN.

You will also likely have to pay to get a (QoS) over the WAN...


How do I connect my sites together?

Using SIP online if you are low on budget or by purchasing a customary leased line if your areas are close to each other. A customary leased line is actually very inexpensive especially if you live in a large city, so getting one isn't a bad idea!

And remember, it's best to use SIP where you can and ISDN-or both for back up if you should face any problems with the Internet.


What about my fax machines?

A lot of business phone systems have two or more FXO/FXS for fax, and incase it doesn't, you can buy an IP/analogue gateway. You'll find a list of "supported" gateways which are said work ok, so you might want to check them out!


Do I have to use SIP?

Nope, if you have two similar phones linked together and have an OSI protocol (open system interconnection) then use that instead of SIP!


Do mobiles do IP Voice?

Only if you download an SIP-based telephone app into them, you must keep in mind that mobile phones in general are made to use the cellular system which is used by its IP stack.



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