YES, it is time for Digital Transformation!
We, Ctelecoms, are more than happy to inform you all on our latest distinguished event titled “Digital Transformation”.
The event is considered one of the best activities that took place on Wednesday 16-Nov-2016 at Crown Plaza Hotel as it was a Special Premium Executives day.
It was a precious event for business decision makers and IT decision makers as well because it presented the huge effect of technology on business and how digital transformation enhance the productivity, flexibility and security of any company by adopting the new robust innovations and solutions of Microsoft Cloud that best serve your company’s short-term and long-term needs.
Thanks God that we have accomplished the goal of this event; all attendees became fully aware about Microsoft Cloud which in turn will help them choose how to kick off and find the best way forward.
Don’t miss out the chance to join our upcoming events!
There are no current events. We will keep you updated, so stay tuned!
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