Windows has always been backbone of personal and business innovation worldwide.. Today, we’re very thrilled to introduce you to Windows 11, a new Windows experience that’s designed to bring you closer to the people and things you love.
Once you've enabled endpoints on your firewall, you need to know how to prepare your organization's network for teams, noting that if you don't open the correct ports or actively block specific ports, you will have a degraded experience.
We’re excited to announce new innovations that Microsoft launched to facilitate collaboration and meetings right within Teams. Namely, Webinars, PowerPoint Live and Presenter mode rolling out by the end of May 2021.
أهلاً بكم، تستعرض هذه المقالة ماتوصلت إليه دراسة أجرتها مايكروسوفت بهدف التقليل من الإعياء والإجهاد الناتج عن الإجتماعات الإفتراضية المتتالية، كما يعرض كيف قامت مايكروسوفت بتكييف منتجاتها وممارساتها بما يخدم هذا الهدف...
Heard of Microsoft Power Toys? You probably have, back from the days of Windows XP or earlier. In any case, Power Toys is a set of free utilities that empower..
Today’s blog explores two different retention policy scenarios for OneDrive For business. The first one is accomplished from Compliance center search contents and the second is..