We’re excited to announce new innovations that Microsoft launched to facilitate collaboration and meetings right within Teams. Namely, Webinars, PowerPoint Live and Presenter mode rolling out by the end of May 2021.
أهلاً بكم، تستعرض هذه المقالة ماتوصلت إليه دراسة أجرتها مايكروسوفت بهدف التقليل من الإعياء والإجهاد الناتج عن الإجتماعات الإفتراضية المتتالية، كما يعرض كيف قامت مايكروسوفت بتكييف منتجاتها وممارساتها بما يخدم هذا الهدف...
Microsoft Store for Business and Microsoft Store for Education are designed for organizations and schools to give IT decision makers and administrators a flexible way to acquire, manage, and distribute free apps in certain markets..
Duo Multifactor Authenticaiton adds another layer of defense around the identity perimeter by verifying a user and establishing trust, making breaches from stolen credentials a thing of the past.
We’re excited to announce latest news on Power BI reports as Microsoft promises that it will be introducing a new sharing capability in Power BI that will allow reports to be shared via links in addition to direct access sharing.
Heard of Microsoft Power Toys? You probably have, back from the days of Windows XP or earlier. In any case, Power Toys is a set of free utilities that empower..