Home Blog Schedule meetings faster with FindTime—a Microsoft Garage project!

Schedule meetings faster with FindTime—a Microsoft Garage project!

 2015/12/16   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   4812 visit(s)  1 min to read




Ctelecoms is very excited to introduce users to Microsoft Garage's new add-in for Outlook- FindTime!

Spending too much time coming to an accord on a meeting time? Well that's one problem solved! FindTime suggests great time and dates that work best for everyone in your company. It allows you to send these time/date suggestions to your attendees so they can vote on one that works best for all of them. Once a consensus is reached, FindTime will automatically send a meeting invite to all your attendees saving you the trouble!

How FindTime helps plan your meetings

So how exactly does FindTime plan your meetings for you? Well to give you a straight answer:

  • It checks your data determining free/busy time and specifies the best appointment based on that.
  • It then creates a poll allowing your attendees to vote on a time/date that suits them best based on your time/date suggestions. Attendees also have the ability to suggest different times that they have come up with themselves and hence facilitating meeting consensus.


FindTime can be accessed via Outlook online and the FindTime voting website can be accessed on any device! Users can also receive email invites on any email provider.

*Please note that FindTime is best for Office 365 users with Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016 or Outlook on the web.

So get FindTime today and tell us what you think of this cool new feature in your comments below!

To see more of Microsoft Garage's amazing projects, please visit garage.microsoft.com.



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